Ahh, wedding season is approaching…
I went to a wedding of a friend of mine recently. One thing about me, I love love. Witnessing two people choose each other in such a profound way can bring one to tears. Not me cause Ize ah thug but another might.
Lots of little girls grow up fantasizing about this day. When we get to stand at the altar, looking absolutely gorgeous, holding the attention of everyone in the room (our dearest friends and families), and pledge allegiance to this union.
And while, in the past, I’ve held the new feminist perspective that damns the notion that this is the greatest day of our lives outside the birth of our children. There’s more to life than marriage and babies for a woman, of course. But man, do I love a big poofy white dress!
The institution of marriage and my disparaging views on it will be explored another day. But for now, I just want to give a shout out to all the girlies who are getting married this year. I hope you find love and safety in your unions. I hope this is a life partner you can share, grow and create with. I hope you feel like the luckiest girl every time you look at them.
Love is a beautiful thing. It’s more than a feeling. It’s more than romance. But it’s not everything in a marriage though. Marriage is a commitment on the good days and bad. But regardless, everyday you choose to do it with your person.
It’s literally right there in the vows. And that’s a certain kind of sweetness I love to see.
In saying so, ah beg. Don’t ask me when I’m getting married. God’s timing, not mine. Lemme breathe, yeah.