Day in the Life of a Girl Child

Why this blog?

“Annie Speaks” is brought to you by Siani Archer.

This blog is dedicated to the day in the life of a girl child; a series to shed some light and expose the darkness on womanhood both personally and collectively. No two women are exactly the same but there are those milestones, joys and traumas we share.

This is a space to for some prepare for what’s ahead, for others to look back on the stages you’ve passed, or just see another point of view. If I can just get a giggle out of you, that’d be great too. If you’ve found your way to my page, stay for a bit.

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So why write this blog?

Well, the written language has always been my way of connecting to the people. It’s more permanent than a verbal conversation so in your own time you can come back to these words. They’ll be right here, bookmarked somewhere on your phone or desktop, even if I’m not next to you to speak.

I hope you laugh more than you cry, I hope you feel seen and heard. This is a journey for the both of us.

Let’s make it a good one.

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Instagram photo by Cassandra Calin • Jan 27, 2021 at 10:38 AM in 2021 ...










Cause I’ve been that girl. I am that girl. This is the kind of material I wish I had growing up to navigate some awkward moments. I don’t have it all figured out and no single person does. In fact, I’m still growing up.

It takes a village to raise a (girl) child so please find a slice of community here. Womanhood is too expansive, too diverse, too beautiful and crazy and wonderful but tragic, heart-rendering and gut-wrenching to not be studied.

There’s so much I want to say about it. I bet there’s a lot of women out there who want things to be said. But first, I just wanna say hi and welcome to this space. 


Here’s to the beginning of that conversation.

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You can look forward to new content every Sunday to start off your week. Let me know what you think of the content in the comment section and what kind of topics you’re looking forward to.

Let’s talk.


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Our content ideas are fresh, unique, entertaining, and to a much greater extent, they educate and empower. We specialise in writing feature articles and press releases, video production, event coverage and brand and identity creation.