Your past does not define you

Earlecia Hieronymo aims to make a difference

Growing up, especially in a Guyanese home and community with exposure to influences from people with varying cultures, morals and values, sometimes it is hard for a young person to determine what they want for their future at a young age.

With the prevalence of peer pressure and generally, the pressures of society, one sometimes find it hard to achieve success, and to dream a dream of a good life, and achieve it.

In fact, when a person, at a young age, displays negative behaviours, they are often cast aside by society, families, teachers and even friends.

But it is important to remember that a person cannot change where they started, but they can change the direction they are going.

Proving this a fact, Earlecia Akilah Hieronymo completely turned her life around, from a known ‘bad egg’, to a known ‘girl boss’.

Sharing her inspiring story with Gabriella Chapman, now of Potsalt Media, she said that she grew up with her mom in a single-parent home, and never had a stable place to live.

“So I’ve lived in a few areas around Georgetown during my childhood. But I always remember that adaptability and acceptance to change is key in conquering most, if not all aspects of what this life has to offer,” Earlecia said.

“Growing up, I was what was considered to be the ‘bad egg’. I attended St. Roses High School and had friends from all walks of life, but I just had not found exactly which walk I should take just yet. Regardless of me being a troublesome, tomboy, embedded in me always from the teachings of my mother was that education is the key to success and as cliched as it may sound, it meant everything to me. I would always perform well in the academic areas and was active in debate clubs, etc. which was quite contrary to some of my behaviour patterns,” she continued.

It was after attending full-time lessons for CSEC she met with an individual who saw potential in her that was never truly highlighted in that manner before.

“My lessons teacher Sir Orin Morgan, saw the potential in me, and it was from then on that I made it my duty to curb my behaviour and become the woman I am continuously growing to be. I wanted to be an attorney at law or a diplomat and was well on my way towards it whilst living in Trinidad & Tobago. However, finances did not allow and I decided I was old enough to come back to my homeland and make a way for myself. I worked at a law firm for a short while after which I was accepted on a training course to become an Air Traffic Control Officer, as I am today. Aviation is now my new found love as well as entrepreneurship and brand strategy. I am now happily married at the age of 21, building a life and career with a man that loves aviation as much as me,” the young woman shared.

Now grown up to be a woman passionate about women empowerment, eradicating racism, charity in all of its forms, and personal branding and youth entrepreneurship, Earlecia is continuously finding ways of pursuing the things she is zealous about and sharing her knowledge to inspire other Guyanese youths.

“Helping people was always a trait I possessed and I did in very small ways without realising its value until now, not that I’m in a position to do much more, but I am working on Khayr Foundation which will be doing many charitable projects. Entrepreneurship and personal branding strategy came when I started to travel and realised how much our youths are missing out on and lacking in Guyana in that regard. I want to use my creative ideas and determined mindset to: help others unleash their inner CEO; fill the lack of genuine positive role models in my age group; gaining financial freedom and creating generational wealth within my family. I also want my children to be brought up in an environment where they know love and kindness is the real reward,” the young woman said.

Positive influence
Using YouTube as her main influential platform, Earlecia started a channel to achieve the aforementioned.

“I also want to be able to facilitate a relatable Guyanese influencer experience. I love YouTube and would always look for influencers who I can relate to from all things including relationships, lifestyle, beauty and business. I believed that it’s a gap that needed to be filled. I am aiming for a channel that will be versatile, showcasing Guyana and its beauty and culture through my vlogs. I also want to share with my followers the knowledge that I gain continuously in terms of entrepreneurship and brand strategy, and from time to time giving snippets of my jovial personality and personal life through my videos,” Earlecia said.

Given that Earlecia is also passionate about alleviating racism, and is in an inter-racial marriage, she said that she also plans to use her platform to normalise inter-racial couples, friendships, business partnering and more.

“I will be inviting many youths of all ethnicities to come on my channel and combat and discuss the topic that many need to hear. For too many years one huge development issue we are faced within this country is racism. “Men build too many walls and not enough bridges”. Through my platform, we will continuously make strides to break down those walls and start building bridges to unity,” she said with much enthusiasm.

Adding that “as I am still learning and growing towards becoming what I perceive as a successful woman, a few principles I would offer to other women would be to love and support yourself first as you would want someone else to love and support you. It is truly amazing the waves a woman can make when she is loved and supported the right way.

Also, to always remember that as women we always have the burden of doing what we set out to do and proving to others that we can get it done, we should always be mindful of this when dealing with other women and if you can hold a sister’s arm and pull her up with you, do so. You’ll already be successful before you arrive at the top.”

Potsalt Media & Communications is a Guyanese-owned company that provides several platforms rich with local content, providing the ideal marketing opportunities for our clients to reach their target audience.

Our content ideas are fresh, unique, entertaining, and to a much greater extent, they educate and empower. We specialise in writing feature articles and press releases, video production, event coverage and brand and identity creation.